

epigenetic activation of the mir-200 family contributes to h19 mediated metastasis suppression in hepatocellular carcinoma. carcinogenesis. 2012

lncrna expression signatures in response to enterovirus 71 infection. bbrc. 2012

repression of the long noncoding rna-let by histone deacetylase 3 contributes to hypoxia-mediated metastasis. molecular cell. 2013

lncrna-lalr1 accelerates hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration by activating wnt/β-catenin signaling. hepatology. 2013

hbx-related lncrna dreh inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis by targeting the intermediate filament protein vimentin. hepatology. 2012

hepatitis b virus x protein (hbx)-related long noncoding rna (lncrna) down-regulated expression by hbx (dreh) inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis by targeting the intermediate filament protein vimentin. hepatology. 2013

long noncoding rna related to cartilage injury promotes chondrocyte extracellular matrix degradation in osteoarthritis. arthritis rheumatism. 2013

transport of influenza virus neuraminidase (na) to host cell surface is regulated by arhgap21 and cdc42 proteins. jbc. 2012

induction of the liver cancer-down-regulated long noncoding rna uc002mbe.2 mediates trichostatin-induced apoptosis of liver cancer cells. biochem pharmacol. 2013

lncrnas expression signatures of renal clear cell carcinoma revealed by microarray. plos one. 2012

transcriptome analysis of long noncoding rnas of the nucleus accumbens in cocaine-conditioned mice. journal of neurochemistry. 2012

expression profiling reveals developmentally regulated lncrna repertoire in the mouse male germline. biol reprod. 2013

sinomenine protests against lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice via adenosine a2a receptor signaling. plos one. 2013

lncrnas expression in preeclampsia placenta reveals the potential role of lncrnas contributing to preeclampsia pathogenesis.plos one. 2013

integrated analysis of dysregulated lncrna expression in fetal cardiac tissues with ventricular septal defect.plos one. 2013

long non-coding rna expression profiling of mouse testis during postnatal development. plos one. 2013

transcriptome analysis reveals distinct patterns of long noncoding rnas in heart and plasma of mice with heart failure. plos one. 2013

the noncoding rna expression profile and the effect of lncrna ak126698 on cisplatin resistance in non-small-cell lung cancer cell. plos one. 2013

lncrna pathway involved in premature preterm rupture of membrane (pprom): an epigenomic approach to study the pathogenesis of reproductive disorders.plos one. 2013

hotair, a prognostic factor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, inhibits wif-1 expression and activates wnt pathway. cancer sci. 2013

long non-coding rna expression profile in human gastric cancer and its clinical significances. journal of translational medicine. 2013

compared analysis of lncrna expression profiling in pdk1 gene knockout mice at two time points. cell physiol biochem. 2013

lncrna-dq786227-mediated cell malignant transformation induced by benzo(a)pyrene. toxicol lett. 2013

long noncoding rnas expression profile of the developing mouse heart. j cell biochem. 2013
